Sunday Church School
The Church School of Saint Nicholas strives to teach our children the Orthodox faith: understanding of our history, basic beliefs, active participation in liturgy, and Christian living.
Our staff of volunteer teachers, aides, and support people serves our young people, three year olds through high school seniors. Using the curriculum of the Department of Religious Education of the Greek Orthodox Church, the Church School staff strives to improve its knowledge and skills through workshops, retreats, and conferences.
The success of the Church School depends on us all, and through the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit, we have been blessed with the loyal support of our priest, our parents, and the congregation at large.
Classes from grades Pre-K 3 through Young Adult meet every Sunday during the school year, immediately following Holy Communion until 11:00AM. Instructors prepare lessons to share the gift of Orthodoxy and help our young people grow in their faith. Sponsored events include the Back-to-School Breakfast, Christmas Pageant, Oratorical Festival, Myrophores, Easter Egg Hunt, Godparent-Godchild Sunday, End of the Year Celebration and more.
Sunday Church School Directors:
Helen Apostolopoulos, Presvytera Pearlann Bithos, Dr. Peter A. Patsavas